Can You Put 27.5″ Wheels On a 26″ Fork? (fast answer)
Condensed Answer: A 26" fork with long legs may accept a 27.5" wheel. However, the change may require the user to replace the tire with a slimmer one to reduce…
Condensed Answer: A 26" fork with long legs may accept a 27.5" wheel. However, the change may require the user to replace the tire with a slimmer one to reduce…
The Problem 26-inch wheels operate with rims that are 559mm in diameter. 650b wheels are larger and thus require rims that are 584mm in diameter. As a result, the pads of…
Mini Info Bomb: In most cases, 24-inch wheels will be too big for a 20-inch fork and frame, especially if the wheel is equipped with a large tire. Thus, it's…
Caliper brakes can be converted to V-brakes only when the frame or fork has mounts for V-brakes or cantilever brakes. If those mounts are not present, it will be necessary…
V-brakes can be converted to disc brakes only when the frame and/or fork have disc mounts. If the frame or fork doesn't have mounts, the user will have to compromise…
Condensed Info: It's possible to install drop bars on a flat bar road bike. However, the conversion requires a multitude of new parts that could greatly increase the final bill.…