Folding bicycle locks are awesome. They offer decent security and a long reach in a very compact frame. I’ve been using mine for a couple of years.
However, since folding locks have many moving parts and a high number of joints, they are very prone to annoying rattling.
In my case, it was so bad that I considered switching to another type of lock. But after a few attempts, I came up with a simple solution that eliminated most of the noise.
Today, I’ll share it with you.

Necessary Tools
The tools that you’ll need for this hack are:
- WD-40 or a degreaser + a lubricant
- An old inner tube, preferably one from a mountain bike
- Scissors
- A rug
Step 1: Clean & Lubricate
Clean the lock with WD-40 or a degreaser and wipe it with a clean and dry rug.
Then, apply WD-40 or a lubricating oil on each joint.
I know that WD-40 isn’t technically a lubricant, but it does have similar properties, albeit not on the level of dedicated products.
Nonetheless, WD-40 works perfectly well in this case because the moving parts of the lock aren’t under consistent stress. You probably don’t fold and unfold it more than a few times a day.
When I first did this step, the lock became silent instantly.

Step 2: Secure The Lock
Cleaning and lubrication will eliminate a lot of the noise, but in most cases, this procedure won’t be enough.
The lock would benefit from extra “strapping”.
To achieve that effect, do the following:
1. Cut a circle out of an inner tube. Make it at least 2 cm wide.

2. Wrap the circle around the neck of the lock’s pouch.

FAQ: Can I use a silicone O-ring instead of an inner tube?
The inner tube works better because it’s thicker and has a larger surface than O-rings. As a result, it has a greater effect.
Additional Tips
If you’re not careful, you may lose the inner tube circle when you lock and/or unlock your bicycle.
Tо minimize the risk, I’ve made it a habit of mine to wrap the piece around one of my shifters as shown in the image below:

I prefer this method over carrying the circle with me because it’s dirty (my lock is attached to the seat tube), and I could easily lose it in my pocket.
Don’t worry. The chances of someone stealing it are pretty low. And even if it happens, you can replace it for next to nothing.
If the day is particularly windy, you could wrap the circle one extra time around the shifter.
I hope this tutorial has been helpful.